BMX Freestyle Professional Rider & Photographer

Posts tagged “wildschnitt

“El Poder de la Bike ” Vol.5 BMX Flatland Contest – Lima, Peru

EL PODER DE LA BIKE Vol.5 2018 / Lima, Perú

As a part of our international collaborations with the BMX School Berlin project , this time we’ve cooperated with our friend – Urban Artist “Seimiek” to organize, for 5th year in a row, the BMX Flatland Event “ELPODERDELABIKE “ in Peru, South America. It was really great to see, how the bmx Flatland scene has been developed in a good shape the last 10 years over there.
” El Poder de la Bike” Vol.5 was held as a “Street Jam” Format to see the reaction of the people in one of the most iconic places in front of the Ocean Pacific in Lima.
The Award Ceremony and also a Flatland show took place at the Bar Hensley.
After this event, we are pretty sure, that the essence of BMX Freestyle is having fun & be free on a bicycle!

Have a look, how it turned out on the streets of #Miraflores !

Video by: Wildschnitt
Camera: Seimiek
Edit: Camilo Gutierrez

Thanks to all the Riders, Friends & Sponsors who support the Scene in #PERU

TNSRWEAR, La Bicicletería, Comercialuz, Specialized Bicycles, MAPA, El Poder de la Bike, Nonamepublicidad, Bern Unlimited BMX School Berlin Cafe Bar Hensley




Hace unos meses tuve la posibilidad de filmar un video de BMX Freestyle en mi ciudad natal, Lima, Perú!
Despues de mucho tiempo viajando, finalmente se logro concretar este proyecto con la ayuda de los amigos y colegas de la Cinematografia y la Musica. 

#vamosperu #bmxflatland #bmxberlin


Finally I got the chance to film a proper #bmx video in my hometown, Lima, Peru! have a look to this project in #southamerica together with the homies from #canada & #berlin


Production: © Wildschnitt Film-Photo
Direction: Camilo Gutierrez
Sound Designer: Marc Hönninger
Camera & Drone Operator: Dan Buchanan



Strassenkinder in Japan Video

“Strassenkinder in Japan” is a video about 3 BMX Flatland Professional Riders from Germany, Czech Republic and Peru.
Waldemar Fatkin, Dominik Nekolny and Camilo Gutierrez have travelled all the way long from Europe to Japan to perform and touring the country for some weeks. Here is the result of an amazing trip and crazy time in Japan. Thanks to all the persons and brands, who has been supporting us! A video made by Riders for Riders.
Direction & Photography: Camilo Gutierrez
Post Production: Wildschnitt
Music by: Marc Hönninger
Camera assistance: Thomas Hirsh


STRASSENKINDER in Japan 2015 from Wildschnitt on Vimeo.

Flairbmx Berlin – Welcome to the Team Video

Since May 2014 I’m officially riding for one of the best bmx shops in Germany, Flaibmx from Berlin.
Have a look to our new video ” Welcome to the Team” a film by Wildschnitt, thanks for the support, enjoy!

“Freestyle” Project feat. Viki Gomez


Camilo Gutierrez Rodriguez - Photography

“Freestyle” Project featuring BMX Flatland World Champion Jorge “Viki” Gomez.

Few Months ago I have visited Friend and BMX Flatland Rider Jorge “Viki” Gomez in his new hometown: Luxembourg city. After talking during a few months, we have decided to produce something together, as we did it back in the days in Santiago in 2007. Check the result of 5 days of  filming, hard riding and Photo shooting around the beautiful city of Luxembourg. Filmed during the last days of this Winter 2013.



Full Movie

Pudong, Shanghai Photo Session



We were shooting around the futuristic district of Pudong in Shanghai, China. Stay Tuned for more stuff!