BMX Freestyle Professional Rider & Photographer

Posts tagged “BMX Berlin


Coming up next!

BMX Freestyle Actions 2021


Hangar 1, Columbiadamm 10, 12101 Berlin.


Urban Aktion X-BERG 21 – Report


Quarantine/ BMX zu Hause / Video Series 2020

HOW – TO “Zu Hause”

Dear BMX Friends,
Unfortunately, the Global situation is really difficult at the moment for most riders and also for our bmx students, who don’t have the chance to ride outside and must to stay indoor during the Quarantine, for them and also for who has interest to try bmx at home, we have thought something nice to collaborate with you.
As a little encouragement in the limited Space during current situation and as active training at home, the BMX School Berlin offers you short videos of tricks with instructions that you can practice alone or with the support of a person.
Step by step we explain you with Subtitles in English and German, how to do a small Balance trick in a reduced space, like your dinning Room, so you can stay healthy at home while having fun.
Hit Play to start to learn the first Balance Trick!


Liebe BMX Friends,
leider hat sich die Situation weiterhin zugespitzt, sodass die BMX Workshops/Trainings nicht mehr statt finden sollen… Aber, wir haben etwas schönes für euch überlegt.
Als kleine Aufmunterung in der eingeschränkten aktuellen Situation und als aktives Training für zu Hause bietet die BMX School Berlin nun Kurzvideos von Tricks mit Anleitung an, die ihr in der Zeit allein oder mit euren Eltern zusammen üben könnt. Step by step wird erklärt, wie der Trick zu schaffen ist. Bis die Situation sich wieder entschärft und wir wieder als Gruppe trainieren können, bietet die Schule wöchentlich ein neues Video an, sodass euch der Spaß am BMX nicht verloren geht.
Viel Spaß!


Bmxschoolberlin Wildschnitt Film-Photo SIBMX #urbankram


3 AMIGOS / Kunstausstellung – BMX & GRAFFITI at NEUROTITAN Galerie – 15.06.2019

Camilo Gutierrez, seimiek

Have a look to the Graffiti Wall clip we’ve filmed with © Wildschnitt for Fritz Kola in Mitte, Berlin.





Camilo Gutierrez, bmx school berlin

bmx school berlin

Schulprojekt – Velodrom / BMX Workshops

??‍♂️ ??Die erste Schritte #BMX 

Letzte Woche hatten wir zwei Tage die Chance mehr als 400 Kindern #bmxfreestyle vorzustellen. Das Ganze fand beim Six Day Cycling #bln im Velodrom Berlin statt. Für viele war es die erste Erfahrung mit BMX als Sportart und urbane Kultur. Wir hatten eine super Zeit mit den Kindern, die von 15 verschiedenen #berliner ?Schulen kamen.

Danke für die Einladung?

Sehr gut gemacht Jungs & Mädels ??? Es hat eine Menge #spaß mit euch gemacht!


Last Week we had the chance to introduce #BMX freestyle to more than 400 Kids of 15 schools from Berlin!
For many of them it was their first aproach and contact to BMX Sport & Culture!
We are really glad to see, how motivated are the kids to learn BMX LIFE!
Have a look to this short but fine video by Wildschnitt Film-Photo

Trainer: Camilo Gutierrez

Camera: Irene Rojas Erlenbach
Music: Marc Hönninger Art





BMX Cycling & Pilates Reformer Training

Eine Kollaboration und Dokumentation der ©BMX School Berlin und REALZ Pilates.

BMX Profi Sportler Camilo Gutierrez und REALZ Pilates Berlin zeigen gemeinsam was Pilates Reformer und Tower Mat Training für den BMX Sport in sich hat und wie Profis und Beginner in der Cycling Szene erfolgreicher Ihren Körpereinsatz steuern können, um sich in Ihrem Sport zu verbessern. Einmal pro Woche begleitet Kathleen Adler (Inhaberin und Pilates Trainerin von REALZ Pilates) Camilo Gutierrez im 60-minütigen Einzel- und Gruppenklassen von Pilates Reformer und Tower Mat Stunden, die gezielt mit Federwiderstand und Zugkraft die gesamte Körpermitte und Motorik stärken um Länge in den gesamten Bewegungsraum zu schaffen.

Was BMX und Pilates verbindet?

Kontrolle, Fokus, Präzision und Zentrierung um durch einen gesunden und motorischen Bewegungsfluss die Freiheit deiner Kreativität zu leben.






Have you ever heard about BMX & Pilates Training’s Reformer (Machine Work)?
Well, we did a new Collaboration Project with our friends of Realz Pilates #Berlin Studio! We would like to improve our Physical Skills and condition to reach new level of BMX Bike Control, who at the momment demands a better Physical & Mental preparation to get it.

Have a look to this first Video together with our #BMXFlatlandCoach Camilo Gutierrez & Pilates Trainer Kathleen Adler!

But What connects BMX Cycling and Pilates Training?

“Control, focus, precision and centering to live the freedom of your creativity through a healthy and motorized flow of movement.”

©BMXSchoolBerlin & RealzPilates

Video by: ©Wildschnitt

Music: Marc Hönninger











Hace unos meses tuve la posibilidad de filmar un video de BMX Freestyle en mi ciudad natal, Lima, Perú!
Despues de mucho tiempo viajando, finalmente se logro concretar este proyecto con la ayuda de los amigos y colegas de la Cinematografia y la Musica. 

#vamosperu #bmxflatland #bmxberlin


Finally I got the chance to film a proper #bmx video in my hometown, Lima, Peru! have a look to this project in #southamerica together with the homies from #canada & #berlin


Production: © Wildschnitt Film-Photo
Direction: Camilo Gutierrez
Sound Designer: Marc Hönninger
Camera & Drone Operator: Dan Buchanan



Street Photography “Govi “Sunglasses Campaign

This Summer we have produced with Wildschnitt, a street Photography’s series for the campaign of GOVI Sunglasses from Hong Kong. It was a pleasure for us to produce the campaign on the streets of Berlin with local Models of urban sports like BMX Freestyle, Parcour & Street Dance. Here a couple of shots around the City. Don’t hesitate to contact us for your next Photography & Film Project!


© Camilo Gutierrez / Wildschnitt

Change Sport – Report BMX School Project

The platform CHANGE SPORT from Frankfurt am Main published a report about the BMX SCHOOL project, that I’m doing since last year in / from my neighborhood in Kreuzberg, Berlin. Really glad to see, how the project has been developed in the last months. From Workshops at the Old Airport in Tempelhof to a Kid’s parade at Kinder Karnaval der Kulturen last June. 

Thanks to all the persons, friends & supporters of this project. #integrationdurch 

Click the image to read it 🙂

Lima in Flammen

 Bike Frame Painting

Lima in Flammen

The idea has begun, the last time, that I have visited Peru. Together with good friend and Urban artist Seimiek from Lima, we have decided to do a collaboration artwork, that joins urban art and sport. So, what better that use the frame of my bike to represent it! After our first test with the Blitz frame a few months ago, trying to find the best way to apply the right technique, colors, and design, we have got the first version:  “The Blaue Blitz”.

Camilo Gutierrez Rodriguez - Photography

For this Second time, we are using “The LASH” , the new BMX Flatland frame of Autum Bicycles from Germany. We have improved some stuff to get a better result with the paint durability and also the design. This paint artwork is called: “LIMÅ IN FLÅMMEN” (english: Flames). Under this tittle, our idea is to join both cities, Lima: where I grew up and Berlin: where I live and ride BMX. That’s how we have chosen the colors of the sunset in Lima and the head of a Berliner Bear, the symbol of the German Capital, to represent this connection between both places.

We will keep posting more pictures of the Hand Made process in Lima, and then follow the Frame in its way back to Germany for the End process in Berlin. Here the first pictures from Peru.

Photos by: © Seimiek / Wildschnitt

Lima in Flammen