BMX Freestyle Professional Rider & Photographer


BMX Cycling & Pilates Reformer Training

Eine Kollaboration und Dokumentation der ©BMX School Berlin und REALZ Pilates.

BMX Profi Sportler Camilo Gutierrez und REALZ Pilates Berlin zeigen gemeinsam was Pilates Reformer und Tower Mat Training für den BMX Sport in sich hat und wie Profis und Beginner in der Cycling Szene erfolgreicher Ihren Körpereinsatz steuern können, um sich in Ihrem Sport zu verbessern. Einmal pro Woche begleitet Kathleen Adler (Inhaberin und Pilates Trainerin von REALZ Pilates) Camilo Gutierrez im 60-minütigen Einzel- und Gruppenklassen von Pilates Reformer und Tower Mat Stunden, die gezielt mit Federwiderstand und Zugkraft die gesamte Körpermitte und Motorik stärken um Länge in den gesamten Bewegungsraum zu schaffen.

Was BMX und Pilates verbindet?

Kontrolle, Fokus, Präzision und Zentrierung um durch einen gesunden und motorischen Bewegungsfluss die Freiheit deiner Kreativität zu leben.






Have you ever heard about BMX & Pilates Training’s Reformer (Machine Work)?
Well, we did a new Collaboration Project with our friends of Realz Pilates #Berlin Studio! We would like to improve our Physical Skills and condition to reach new level of BMX Bike Control, who at the momment demands a better Physical & Mental preparation to get it.

Have a look to this first Video together with our #BMXFlatlandCoach Camilo Gutierrez & Pilates Trainer Kathleen Adler!

But What connects BMX Cycling and Pilates Training?

“Control, focus, precision and centering to live the freedom of your creativity through a healthy and motorized flow of movement.”

©BMXSchoolBerlin & RealzPilates

Video by: ©Wildschnitt

Music: Marc Hönninger





BMX Flatland at the Airport Tempelhof – Sommerfest 2018

Karneval der Kulturen 2018 / Kids Parade – Berlin

Kinder Karneval der Kulturen 2018 #BERLIN

Wir hatten die großartige Chance #BMXFlatland beim Umzug auf dem Kinderkarneval in Kreuzberg zu präsentieren.
Eine Woche lang haben wir zusammen mit den Kindern der Nürtingen-Grundschule in X-berg die Grundlagen des BMX Freestyle erarbeitet.
Die Jungs haben sich viel Mühe gegeben, in 5 Tagen BMX Tricks zu lernen und diese beim Kinderkarneval vorzuführen.

Last Month we got the chance to perform at the biggest Street Parade for Children in Berlin.
During One week, A group of Kids from the school Nürtingen-Grundschule in our district #KREUZBERG learnt the principles of BMX Sport & culture, to be able show a few tricks in front of the public at the Kids Parade, on the streets of Berlin. 
Have a look, what they can do after few days of having fun on two wheels!

Video by: © Wildschnitt Film-Photo

Camera: Irene Rojas Erlenbach
Music: Marc Hönninger

VeloBerlin 2018 -Bicycle Trade Show / Tempelhof Airport

BMX at the Airport

We’ ve performed #bmxflatland  shows at the historic airport Tempelhof  for the bicycle trade show ” VeloBerlin” 2018
For one week, I was around the Old Airport TEMPELHOF taking pictures for the press conference and also performing 2 days at the bicycle trade show in Berlin. Have a look, what we did the Weekend on the Landing track !
Thanks for invitation & the great times with the cycling community VELOBerlin #2018

Good session mit Markus Reich, Danke! #elpoderdelabike

Camilo Gutierrez

“El Poder de la Bike ” Vol.5 BMX Flatland Contest – Lima, Peru

EL PODER DE LA BIKE Vol.5 2018 / Lima, Perú

As a part of our international collaborations with the BMX School Berlin project , this time we’ve cooperated with our friend – Urban Artist “Seimiek” to organize, for 5th year in a row, the BMX Flatland Event “ELPODERDELABIKE “ in Peru, South America. It was really great to see, how the bmx Flatland scene has been developed in a good shape the last 10 years over there.
” El Poder de la Bike” Vol.5 was held as a “Street Jam” Format to see the reaction of the people in one of the most iconic places in front of the Ocean Pacific in Lima.
The Award Ceremony and also a Flatland show took place at the Bar Hensley.
After this event, we are pretty sure, that the essence of BMX Freestyle is having fun & be free on a bicycle!

Have a look, how it turned out on the streets of #Miraflores !

Video by: Wildschnitt
Camera: Seimiek
Edit: Camilo Gutierrez

Thanks to all the Riders, Friends & Sponsors who support the Scene in #PERU

TNSRWEAR, La Bicicletería, Comercialuz, Specialized Bicycles, MAPA, El Poder de la Bike, Nonamepublicidad, Bern Unlimited BMX School Berlin Cafe Bar Hensley

Free Messe, München 2018

From 21 till 25th February, We’ve visited the biggest Trade show for Outdoor Sports and new Trends in the Bayern to perform BMX Flatland shows & Workshops for the BMX School Berlin Project. It was really great full to see how many kids got involved in our workshops for beginners after our Team Performance. We Hope to be back soon in Munich to show more of our Sport & lifestyle.

All the best from Berlin!

Have a look to the Gallery.

Photos: © Wildschnitt / Melo

Servus!! Wir waren in München auf der München 2018 – Die Reise- und Freizeitmesse unterwegs. Dort sind wir 5 Tage BMX Flatland Shows & Workshops gefahren. Die Trainer Camilo Gutierrez & Waldemar waren in Bayern am Start, um unsere Projekt Bmxschoolberlin zu repräsentieren. Es war eine Freude zu sehen, wie viele Leute Interesse an BMX Freestyle haben. Egal welchen Alters, alle haben es probiert. Wir freuen uns sehr auf nächstes Jahr! Wiederschaun!


Viele Grüße aus Bärlin






Hace unos meses tuve la posibilidad de filmar un video de BMX Freestyle en mi ciudad natal, Lima, Perú!
Despues de mucho tiempo viajando, finalmente se logro concretar este proyecto con la ayuda de los amigos y colegas de la Cinematografia y la Musica. 

#vamosperu #bmxflatland #bmxberlin


Finally I got the chance to film a proper #bmx video in my hometown, Lima, Peru! have a look to this project in #southamerica together with the homies from #canada & #berlin


Production: © Wildschnitt Film-Photo
Direction: Camilo Gutierrez
Sound Designer: Marc Hönninger
Camera & Drone Operator: Dan Buchanan
